Ron Steen’s Jazz Jam at WilfsRon Steen’s Jazz Jam at Wilfs
- Laura Stilwel on vocals
- Greg Goebel
- Shawn Wang
- Ron Steen
“Laura captivates audiences with her vibrant energy, from the haunting clarity in each phrase, to her soulful storytelling. Laura has performed at notable NYC venues, Cleopatra’s Needle, St. Marks Church in the Bowery, and the Ella Lounge. Portland jazz clubs, Wilf’s Restaurant, The Underground, Camellia Lounge, Jo Bar, and Vie De Boheme, and Serbian Village Restaurant in Chicago. Tokyo jazz clubs, the Black & White Lounge, the Bottom Line, the Nidaba Theatre in Milan, and Zona Franca in Sao Paolo. Laura is featured in ongoing tributes to Motown along with stars from The Platters, The Drifters and The Coasters. Check out Laura’s new CD, “Out Of A Dream” on Spotify, Itunes, and Youtube.