Paula Byrne Jazz
& Marcus Harbaugh, piano
& Ken Anoe, bass
@ First Taste Oregon
Oregon State Fair & Expo Center
Salem, Oregon USA
3:30 pm
Born to a jazz drummer (father) and figure skater (mother), she has been a lover of music and movement since birth. Paula teaches dance locally and internationally, and has been a moving force in the dance scene in Portland since 1996. She is the creator of the Wild Grace™ and DanceQuest™ movement meditations, and is Founder of SomaSpace ~ Studio of Movement Arts in NE PDX.
Paula was an Oracle software developer in the corporate high-tech field for 20 years. She left that career in 2005 to devote herself full-time to her soul-work in assisting people to remember and reconnect to the body as a source of wisdom, pleasure and joy in the present moment.
Ken Anoe played bass with the USAF Band for 23 years. He played on the Queen of The West, Columbia Queen, Mississippi Queen and Empress of The North Riverboats regularly. He worked many jazz greats: Sarah Vaughn, Billy Taylor, John Lewis, and Herb Ellis to name a few.