Sunday, July 14, 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:15pm

CPJF Pre Event is at the 1905

The 1905 Presents: "A Closer Look At Jazz" – A Cathedral Park Jazz Fest Pre-Show

  • Mike Gamble on guitar
  • Santiago Larochelle on keys
  • Milo Fultz on bass
  • Alex Meltzer on electronics
  • Machado Mijiga on drums

Jazz Society of Oregon is partnering with The 1905, KMHD Radio, Multi-Instrumentalist/Bolo Tie Enthusiast Machado Mijiga, and Executive Chef Jon Wiley for a wild night of food, drink, and music to properly kick off JSO's annual Cathedral Park Jazz Festival.

Here's a little blurb from Machado about the music for the night:

The concept for the two sets is "A Closer Look At Jazz," where I really tries to take a snapshot of what I feel the current jazz scene feels like (for me) in Portland, and I've put together a unique ensemble that hasn't played anywhere in town before to play two sets of original music for JSO members and 1905 patrons. The band will feature Mike Gamble on guitar, Santiago Larochelle on keys, Milo Fultz on bass, Alex Meltzer on electronics, and me on drums. The first set will be comprised of tunes from me and my bandmates, followed by a second set featuring music from local composers, but the entire night will be an open session for locals to hop up and join in – it could be joining for your own compositions, or you can just hop up if you're feeling a particular musical moment and want to join in the musical dialogue. Unlike a traditional jazz jam, there won't be any standards played, but I created a publicly-accessible Google Doc  that has hyperlinks to recordings of all of the compositions, as well as charts for those that are more diligent, but also made sure that most of the music has a few sections that are simple enough that professional musicians could hop up and jam with the band, so the hope would be that lots of local musicians come by and play, so patrons can see how vibrant our scene is and how many great composers we have."

Chef Wiley will be unveiling brand new culinary concoctions with Machado's eccentricities in mind; many of which will only be available at this event, so don't miss out! Festival artists are strongly encouraged to come and sit in, and you're more than welcome to contact Machado via email @Machado Mijiga or Instagram if you have any questions or special accommodations needed to feel comfortable joining in.

We hope to see you there!


July 14, 2024
6:00 pm to 8:15 pm


(503) 460-3333
830 N Shaver St
Portland, OR 97227

Every day of the week in the evenings, and often multiple times per day on weekends, The 1905 plays host to the exquisite jazz community that Portland has to offer. In addition to keeping a finger on the pulse of the local scene, The 1905 has hosted internationally recognized musicians such as 5 time Grammy award-winner Antonio Sanchez, and Jazz greats like Ralph Peterson Jr.